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Signage, very important for your brand!

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16:00 PM

Whenever I travel, one of my favourite past-times, as I walk through a new city, is to read all of the signage and advertisements. Whether a sign shows a pretty dodgy (and unintentionally hilarious) translation, a funny image, or a great pun, they always remind me of the importance of branding.


When I'm in tourist-mode, I generally don't have any preconceived ideas about the businesses I pass. So, my decision to enter a particular business is solely based on the design of their shopfront. Walking through the city recently, I walked past a barbershop in called Jack the Clipper. Now, I was almost compelled to enter, despite having zero-reason to visit a barber.


If a customer isn't familiar with your company, your signage can be the difference between them walking in or walking past.


When running a business (especially a business, with a physical storefront), signage plays an integral role in pulling customers in.




Signage is a type of communication. Having effective and brand-specific signage means that the people know what type of shop they are in front of. Plus, it can help to create a memorable and lasting impression on those who pass it. 


The biggest function of signage is to communicate what your business is and does. But even more important than that, signage communicates your brand. For those who are aware of your company, signage that feels 'off-brand' or not aligned with the rest of the company identity can be off-putting to potential customers.


The versatility of signage means there are great options for branding.


Signage should be an extension of the inside of your shop in the same way your website should be too. Street signage is how you get people into your shop - like how your web design will drive online customers to your online shop.




Signage boasts a variety of benefits that will enhance your branding efforts. These include:


  • Communicating brand

No two brands are exactly the same. And, because of this, no two signs should be exactly the same. Every brand (especially those with physical storefronts) can benefit from the branding opportunities granted by signage.


  • Targeting your market (and new customers!)

Signage can help let your customers know what your business does and who they are. Plus, because of the location of your signage (i.e. right outside your business), it can work as an immediate call-to-action.


  • Communicating messages

Signage is not only informational in the branding sense, but can also communicate sales, events and opening hours. At the very least, signage works to alert people to the existence of your store.


  • Offering exposure

Your signage will be on display 24/7 offering fantastic exposure, even when the shop is closed. This 'round-the-clock exposure ensures you are always being promoted and reach the largest possible audience.


The world is becoming more and more image-conscious, and businesses (and brands) should be looking for ways to communicate their company identity to their target market.


Signage, when used strategically, should be an extension of your brand and a tool to further attract your target market. Signage can help let your customers know what your business does and who they are.